What is Global Pet Register?
Put simply, Global Pet Register is an online based service where you can register your pets, have them assigned a unique tag and identity number which can be used to identify and locate your pet anywhere in the world. This service is available online 24hrs and you have access to your pet and contact details section from where you can manage your account, pet information and contact information.
Why should I register my pets?
By registering your pets you are making every attempt to safeguard your family pet. Every pet you register will be assigned a collar ID tag which has an identity number inscribed. If your pet wanders off, anyone finding them with a GPR tag on can simply log on to our website and inform us where they are, we then co-ordinate getting you and your pet reunited. The whole process in some cases has taken less than an hour!
How much does it cost to use your service and register my pets?
We charge $95.00 per pet for life including free tag replacement if tag is lost or damaged.
My pets are microchipped - Why will this not be sufficient?
A microchip ONLY holds a NUMBER when scanned - no other details are stored on a microchip. Owners & vets need to register the microchip number on a database and then register the owner's and the pet's details. In many cases, owners do not register the pet's microchip and their own details on a database or if they do, forget to update their details when they relocate.
Another problem arises that even if a pet is microchipped and registered on a database - the person who finds the pet & identifies the chip still has no idea where to try and find the database that the pet may be registered on! There can be multiple databases in each country and the person scanning your pet will have no indication in WHAT COUNTRY or database your information might be held.
My Pet already has an ID Disc/Tag?
Many pets do have ID tags/discs which has their name with a contact number on it. These are helpful when a pet is lost locally. However, if a pet is lost in another country after an international relocation, this contact information may not be of any use. Our experience shows that many pet owners arrive with their pets in their new country of residence without getting a new tag for their pet. If their pet were to wander off in this situation, someone finding the pet would only have contact details in another country to go by! A GPR tag eliminates this problem by holding all the information online and only having the GPR website and pet ID number on the tag, this way wherever in the world your pet goes missing, we can reunite them with you.
For security reasons we recommend that you do not display your contact details on your pet tag.
Why would my pet run off?
During the relocation process at both origin & destination addresses pets are faced with strangers moving about in their home environment (movers, estate agents, etc). Pets often wander out of the home, hide or in some cases get packed! On arrival at the new destination they may also wander off or become disorientated in their new surroundings. In this instance, having something like a GPR tag to get your pet back in your arms ASAP is essential.
How many pets can I register?
There is no limit to the number of pets you can register.
What happens if I have lost my registered pet?
If you have lost or think your pet may have been lost, please visit the website and register your pet as lost in the lost pet section under Help.
What information is displayed about me if I register my Pet?
None, we do not disclose any information about you or your registered pets to anyone. We do not display any of your email addresses or contact details to any third party.
Who is signing up for Global Pet Register?
The majority of people are expatriates or pet owners who relocate through their work on a frequent basis. Global Pet Register works with pet relocation companies, rescue groups, animal shelters, veterinarians, animal hospitals, police, pet supply vendors, moving and relocation organisations and others. In this way the Global Pet Register is becoming increasingly better known.
How is Global Pet Register different from other pet finder systems?
Global Pet Register is more than a registration system; it is a very sophisticated computer network system, which focuses on building community involvement to help reunite missing pets with their families. Global Pet Register is also very much internationally focussed unlike other pet finders who tend to stay in a domestic market. Our GPR tags can locate and reunite you with your pets anywhere in the world.
Can anyone register their pets?
Yes, pet owners will just need to choose a GPR tag from our Product range and go to checkout. When they receive their GPR Tag in the post they simply come back to our website and register the GPR Tag, fill in their secure online profile and attach the tag to their pet's collar!
What type of pets can I register?
We currently only accept registration of Cats and Dogs as they tend to be the only pets that wear collars.